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We’re Accredited By The Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA)

Formerly the NAPBS

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The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) updated their name and logo to better represent the international nature of background screening. As the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA), this organization continues to establish high standards of professionalism, ethics and accountability for Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) like Backgrounds Online.

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Benefit To Employers

Employers often consider people from other countries and Americans who have been living overseas for an extended period of time. As a global organization, the PBSA enhances background screening policies worldwide and addresses challenges to the industry such as global data privacy and the continuing rise of a gig economy.

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A Truly Global Industry

The PBSA has chapters in APAC, Canada, Europe and the U.S. More are expected in the coming years. There are no boundaries for organizations that are building strong teams. By re-branding, the PBSA is communicating their ongoing devotion to helping employers perform due diligence and assess risk while considering candidates worldwide.

About The PBSA

While the name and logo are new, this organization has existed for many years. The NAPBS was founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association to represent the interests of companies that offer tenant, employment and background screening services.

The mission of the PBSA has not changed. They continue to promote a high level of ethics and performance standards for the background screening industry. Their core goals include a strong commitment to integrity, compliance, service and proactive engagement. To help accomplish these goals, the PBSA:

To learn more, visit the PBSA website.

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Holds Bi-Annual Conferences. These conferences are an opportunity for industry members from around the world to share ideas, insights and experiences. Each conference includes multiple sessions about essential industry topics such as compliance, best practices and how to address global screening concerns.

Offers Accreditation. We have maintained our status as an accredited CRA for many years. Read more below.

Participates In Advocacy Day. Each year, PBSA members go to Washington for an event called Advocacy Day. This gives the PBSA direct access to members of Congress and the Senate to discuss critical issues such as data privacy, the importance of criminal background checks and much more.

Creates Best Practice Guidelines. Background screening can be a complex process with numerous steps. The PBSA offers practical guidance on how to handle some of the more complicated aspects of this industry. While these guidelines are not legal advice, they provide a wealth of useful information that help CRAs handle business with integrity and simplicity.

Provides FCRA Certification Courses. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that creates specific rules for background screening. It is essential for employers to comply with the FCRA at all times. Backgrounds Online is your partner in this process. Every member of our background check processing team is required to attend a course and earn their certification. Our team is highly experienced and knowledgeable about laws that affect you.

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Backgrounds Online And The PBSA

Backgrounds Online is proud to continue our long-time involvement with the PBSA. We attend the conferences they hold to get the latest news about upcoming bills, litigation, background screening best practices and other essential topics.

Members of our team also participate in monthly PBSA committee calls. This is a great opportunity for us to remain on top of everything that is happening in our industry. These calls cover a variety of critical topics that affect us as a CRA and you as employers. By participating in these calls, we help ensure we are continuously on the cutting edge of compliance and best practices.

Every team member who processes background checks is required to go through the PBSA FCRA certification. This gives our people a strong familiarity with federal laws that govern background screening.

At times, Backgrounds Online has also participated in advocacy projects. For example, our CEO was invited to speak in front of the CA Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations about the potential impact of California Assembly Bill 1008.

As the PBSA expands their goals, Backgrounds Online will be with them, continuing to be leaders of the industry. We are excited for their more global approach and be long-term members of this distinguished association.

We Are Accredited

Backgrounds Online undergoes an annual audit to maintain our accreditation with the PBSA. This "seal of approval", which is awarded by the Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC), recognizes CRAs that maintain high professional standards, accountability, a commitment to excellence and continued institutional improvement.

In addition to the name and logo change, the PBSA strengthened their accreditation standards that were initially established by the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP). Our team volunteered to be among the first to go through their updated process. We did this to demonstrate our unwavering dedication to the important standards established by the BSAAP in several critical areas:

  • Consumer Protection
  • Legal Compliance
  • Client Education
  • Product Standards
  • Verification Standards
  • General Business Practices

Membership in and accreditation by the PBSA are optional. Backgrounds Online is proud to demonstrate our commitment to background screening excellence by maintaining our accreditation, participating in industry best practice meetings and attending international conventions. When you work with us you have a partner that is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions, create safe workplaces and perform due diligence while hiring on an international level.

Backgrounds Online provides compliant background checks that help you make informed decisions, create a safe workplace and protect your brand.