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Background Checks for the Non-Profit/Volunteer Industry

Every Volunteer Represents Your Brand

Organizations bring on volunteers for various reasons. They may provide assistance at public places, work with young people or perform numerous other tasks. While these individuals are not employees, they do represent your brand. Running background checks on potential volunteers shows you are performing due diligence that is essential to help create a safe environment for the people you serve.

Flexible Screening Packages For Volunteers

The people you bring on may perform a variety of tasks. Backgrounds Online provides flexible screening packages that are ideal for any type of volunteer. For example, if a person will drive while on duty, then we can add a Motor Vehicle Record Search. Depending on the position, you may also need to verify a person’s employment and educational history. We’ll help you build fully customized background screening packages for every type of volunteer.

Find The Right Volunteers

It’s not always easy to find willing volunteers who are also properly qualified. Background screening each candidate helps you pinpoint individuals who are eligible and likely to succeed and therefore stay with your organization. A background check confirms a person’s identity, shows relevant information about their work history and informs you if a person has reportable convictions. Rely on our background reports to help find the best people every time.

Non-Profit/Volunteer Industry

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t afford to screen my volunteers?

A: Screening volunteers and non-profit employees is an important undertaking that can actually save your organization money.

Whether you're hiring an employee or signing up a volunteer, it is important to know they are qualified for the position and eligible to represent your brand. A background check is a small investment that empowers you to find people who are qualified and well-suited for any type of work. Background reports also show you if the person has a solid work history, or if they have any criminal records of which you should be aware.

If you select someone who has a serious criminal record, such as a sexual offense, it could be devastating and costly to your organization. And if you select someone who is unlikely to stay with your organization long-term, then you will spend time and other resources on that individual, only to have to start the entire process over again.

Do I need to screen people who won't interact with the public?

A: There are numerous laws that cover background screening for volunteers. In some cases, volunteers are legally required to be screened. Such laws usually apply to individuals who volunteer at agencies that provide care to children, disabled people or the elderly. If someone who is interested in that type of position refuses to get a background check, your organization has the right to refuse them that opportunity.

What if potential volunteers will not give consent for a background check?
Can I speak to someone about the type of screening package I'll need?

A: Yes, our staff is always happy to help answer your questions. If you would like to discuss screening packages or have related questions, please contact us.

Backgrounds Online provides customized screening solutions for your specific needs. Get expert assistance today.